How do we Compare?
In the 1st year alone, landlords with Hello Neighbour can save up to £4,150 (60%) compared to letting their property through a high street letting agent. In the 2nd year of a tenancy, savings almost double.
As we offer all-inclusive lettings packages, our comparison chart (below) includes all the extra fees that other agents charge, on top of their base fees.
Right now, most of our lettings properties are in the London area, so our analysis is based on the average rental cost of a London rental property – currently, £2,500 per month. And although we always charge clear fixed fees in £'s, we've calculated how much our fees would be in % terms, because high street agents insist on billing landlords in %'s.
savings vs
high street
Comparison including all extra costs
Admin Markups
12% + referral fee
12% arrangement fee
12% for 20% above
Hello Neighbour
- Letting
- Letting & Property Management
- 2nd Year Renewal Fee
- AST, Referencing & Deposit
- Inventory Fee
Maintenance &
Admin Markups
- Letting
- Letting & Property Management
- 2nd Year Renewal Fee
- AST, Referencing & Deposit
- Inventory Fee
Maintenance &
Admin Markups
12% + referral fee
- Letting
- Letting & Property Management
- 2nd Year Renewal Fee
- AST, Referencing & Deposit
- Inventory Fee
Maintenance &
Admin Markups
- Letting
- Letting & Property Management
- 2nd Year Renewal Fee
- AST, Referencing & Deposit
- Inventory Fee
Maintenance &
Admin Markups
12% arrangement fee
- Letting
- Letting & Property Management
- 2nd Year Renewal Fee
- AST, Referencing & Deposit
- Inventory Fee
Maintenance &
Admin Markups
12% for 20% above
What is included in base % and what is extra?
- Dedicated Account Manager
- Professional photography
- Accompanied viewings
- Referencing
- Contracts
- Deposit registration
- Check-in inventory
Extra Cost
Hello Neighbour
High Street
- Dedicated Property Manager
- Dedicated Account Manager
- 6 monthly inspections
- No mark-up on maintenance
- Check-out inventory
Extra Cost
Hello Neighbour
High Street
Unlike other lettings agents, Hello Neighbour don't charge tenancy renewal fees. So, when comparing us to other agents, it's important to consider the typical 2nd year renewal fees, that are charged to a landlord if a tenant decides to stay at a property.
Hello Neighbour's offer includes

And we don't do in-person rental valuations, because our technology gives us access to data. In fact, we draw on over one million data-points, across London alone, before we offer a rental valuation.
While traditional agents continue with their outdated methods and in-person valuations – full of personal opinion and inaccuracy – we rely on data to output accurate valuations, at speed.
We use more data points in our valuations than any other letting agent, including current and historical properties in an area, enabling us to report prices far more accurately.
What's more, all of our landlords have one point of contact – their own dedicated Hello Neighbour specialist – at each stage of the lettings life-cycle.
Finally, we don’t have a high street presence because in today's digital world it is surplus to requirements. And the costs we save, because of our tech-enabled efficiencies, are passed on as lower fees to every landlord that joins us.